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Google Analytics

love to analyze
the metrics and monitor

campaign performance.

Google AdWords

found so much fun to run

A/B tests and

maximize ad performance.

Display Advertising

witnessed the magic of

GDN and retargeting,

it worked really nice.

Mobile Advertising

another battlefield that i'm

willing to look after
18 hours a day.


digging into search behavior

is entertaining.

understanding how the result ranks is excruciating.


Native Advertising

do not underestimate,
it creates good coverage.

Email Marketing

still thinking of spam mails?

think of loyalty today!

it brings high ROI. 

Social Media

are not just numbers.


a change is a move, 

a move makes a step.

i minimize steps

to trigger a happen which is named conversion
in digital world.

WeChat Marketing

followers acquisition and engagement requires

creativity, commitment and cash.

Mobile APP

if we do it wise, it completes the customer journey and builds loyalty. 

Video Marketing

it's all about storytelling,

even it's live. 

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